

















格拉纳达大学 (包括艺术在内的,几乎所有专业都有)

格拉纳达大学(西班牙文:Universidad de Granada),简称“UGR”,由国王卡洛斯五世创办于1531年,坐落于西班牙王国安达卢西亚自治区格拉纳达省省会格拉纳达,是西班牙最古老的大学之一,在西班牙国内具有极高的声誉,并隶属于素有“欧洲常春藤联盟”之称的科英布拉集团、ARQUS联盟,在学生人数、学术研究、基建设施等方面都被公认为南欧最为重要的教育机构。在2022年世界大学学术排名中,格拉纳达大学综合排名全西班牙第四,世界排名位于第201-300名之间。



申请截至日期 5月31














Arts & Humanities (人文艺术类)

Advanced Studies in Spanish Language (Inter-university programme)

Archaeology (Inter-university programme)

Art Production and Research

Classical Philology and Tradition

Conference Interpreting

Contemporary Philosophy

Drawing — Illustration, Comics and Audiovisual Creation

East Asian Studies

English Literature and Linguistics

Latin American Studies: Culture and Management

Literary and Theatre Studies

Modern Languages and Cultures

Musical Heritage (Face-to-face or blended learning degree) (Inter-university programme)

Professional Translation

Protection of Historical and Artistic Heritage: The Legacy of Al-Andalus

Research and Analysis in Flamenco (Inter-university programme)

Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language: Language, Culture and Methodology

Social Sciences and Law (社会科学和法学)

Accountancy and Auditing

Advanced International and European Studies

Business Law

Criminality and Social Intervention with Minors (90 ECTS, 1.5 yrs)

Criminology and Security Studies

Cultural Diversity: A Multidisciplinary and Cross-Border Approach (Melilla Campus)

Culture of Peace, Conflicts, Education and Human Rights (Inter-university programme)

Development Cooperation, Public Management and NGDO Administration

Didactics of Mathematics (Face-to-face or online degree)

Economics (in English)

Economics and Business Management

Employment: Strategies, Services Management and Territorial Employment Policies (Blended learning or online degree) (Inter-university programme)

Environmental Education (Blended learning degree) (Inter-university programme)

Fundamental Rights at the National, Supranational and Global Level (Online degree)

Gerontology, Dependence and Protection of the Elderly

Innovation and Improvement of Attention to Diversity

International Business Administration and Human Resource Management (商科与人力资源)

Labour, Tax, and Business Law

Legal Practice (90 ECTS, 1.5 yrs)

Legal Practice (Melilla Campus, 90 ECTS, 1.5 yrs)

Market Research Technologies and Marketing (Ceuta Campus, blended learning degree)

Marketing and Consumer Behaviour (Face-to-face or online degree) (Inter-university programme)

Musical Education: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (音乐与教育)

New Interactive Media and Multimedia Journalism

Psychopedagogical Intervention

Psychology and Social Intervention

Public Sector Management and Administration

Quantitative Techniques for Business Management (Blended learning degree)

Research and Innovation in Training and the Curriculum (Face-to-face or blended learning degree)

Research in Sport and Physical Activity(体育)

Scientific Information and Communication (Blended learning degree)

Social Research and Development and Socio-Educational Intervention

Social Problems: Directing and Managing Social Programmes

Territorial Planning, Governance and Leadership (Blended learning degree) (Inter-university programme)

Visual Arts and Education: A Constructionist Approach

Women’s and Gender Studies (GEMMA) (120 ECTS, 2 yrs, Erasmus Mundus)

Experimental Sciences(科学)

Advances in Agricultural Biology and Aquaculture

Applied Statistics (Online degree)

Biodiversity Conservation, Management and Restoration


Chemical Sciences and Technologies (KHEMIA)

Clinical Optometry and Advanced Optics

Color in Science and Industry (COSI) (120 ECTS, 2 yrs, in English, Erasmus Mundus)

Genetics and Evolution

Geology Applied to Mineral and Energy Resources (GEOREC) (Blended learning degree)

Geophysics and Meteorology

Mathematics (Bilingual degree EN-ES) (Inter-university programme)

Molecular Biology Applied to Biotechnology Companies (Bioenterprise)

Nuclear Physics (Inter-university programme)

Physics: Radiation, Nanotechnology, Particles and Astrophysics

Research and Advances in Microbiology

Science and Technology in Architectural Heritage

Water Quality Science and Technology (IDEA)

Health Sciences

Advances in Food Quality and Technology

Basic and Applied Neuroscience and Pain

Biological Analysis and Laboratory Diagnostics

Critical Care in Emergency Departments and Emergency Nursing

Dental Science

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology and Physical Medicine

Forensic and Legal Psychology

General Health Psychology (90 ECTS, 2 yrs)

Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Factors in Growth and Development (NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors) (Online degree) 网课

Healthcare for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and End-of-Life Care

Human Nutrition

Oral Surgery and Implantology

Pharmaceutical Care

Physical and Forensic Anthropology

Regenerative Biomedicine

Research and Advances in Molecular and Cellular Immunology (Bilingual degree EN-ES)

Research and Advances in Preventive Medicine and Public Health

Research, Development, Control and Innovation in Medication

Research in Movement Disorders and Functional Alterations

Research in Speech and Language Therapy for Degenerative Disorders and Brain Damage

Translational Research and Personalised Medicine (Blended learning degree)

Tissue Engineering and Advanced Therapies (Blended learning degree)

Technology, Engineering and Architecture(工程类)

Acoustic Engineering


Architectural Refurbishment

Business Process Management and Technologies (Face-to-face degree in Granada or blended learning degree in Melilla Campus)

Civil Engineering (120 ECTS, 2 yrs)

Chemical Engineering (90 ECTS, 1.5 yrs)

Data Science and Computer Engineering

Industrial Electronics

Environmental Hydraulics (Bilingual degree EN-ES) (Inter-university programme)

I.T. Engineering (72 ECTS)

Occupational Risk Prevention (90 ECTS, 1.5 yrs)

Software Development (Blended learning or online degree)

Structural Engineering

Telecommunications Engineering

Interdisciplinary Programmes (跨学科项目,语言和教育学)

Teacher Training for Compulsory and Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Language Teaching

Double International Master’s Degrees (国际双学位项目,跟法国、德国、意大利和智利学校联办)

Civil Engineering. University of Granada and National Institute of Applied Sciences - INSA Rouen (France)

Healthcare for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and End-of-Life Care. University of Granada and University of Santo Tomás (Chile)

Economics. University of Granada and SRH-University of Applied Sciences, Berlin (Germany)

Economics. University of Granada and International Business School, Paris (France)

Economics and Business Management. University of Granada and ESC Dijon Bourgogne (France)

Latin American Studies: Culture and Management. University of Granada and University of Toulouse–Jean Jaurès (France)

Marketing and Consumer Behaviour. University of Granada and University of Rennes (France)

Professional Translation. University of Granada and University of Bologna (Italy) (Integrated with Undergraduate Programme)

Social Problems: Directing and Managing Social Programmes. University of Granada and University of Lille 3 (Integrated with Undergraduate Programme)




Doctoral School in Health Sciences (EDCS) (医学类)

Doctoral Programme in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine

Doctoral Programme in Clinical Medicine and Public Health

Doctoral Programme in Nutrition and Food Sciences

Doctoral Programme in Pharmacy

Doctoral Programme in Psychology

Doctoral School in Humanities, Social Sciences and Law (EDHCSJ) (人文社科类)

Doctoral Programme in Arts and Education

Doctoral Programme in City, Territory, and Sustainable Planning

Doctoral Programme in Criminology

Doctoral Programme in Economics and Business Studies

Doctoral Programme in Education Sciences

Doctoral Programme in History and the Arts

Doctoral Programme in Language, Text and Context

Doctoral Programme in Legal Sciences

Doctoral Programme in Migration Studies

Doctoral Programme in Philosophy

Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences

Doctoral Programme in Women´s Studies, Gender Practices and Discourses

Doctoral School in Science, Technology and Engineering (EDCTI) (工程类)

Doctoral Programme in Biogeochemical Fluid Dynamics and its Applications

Doctoral Programme in Chemistry

Doctoral Programme in Civil Engineering

Doctoral Programme in Earth Sciences

Doctoral Programme in Fundamental and Systems Biology

Doctoral Programme in Information and Communication Technologies

Doctoral Programme in Mathematical and Applied Statistics

Doctoral Programme in Mathematics

Doctoral Programme in Physics and Mathematics

Doctoral Programme in Physics and Space Sciences




申请截至日期 531

马德里卡洛斯三世大学(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)被认为是西班牙最优秀的年轻大学,于1989年